Monday, June 22, 2009

Claudication & Peripheral Artery Disease Screening

What is Claudication?
Claudication is pain that you experience in your calf or thigh muscle that occurs after you have walked a certain distance. The pain stops after you rest for a while. Each time the pain occurs, it takes about the same amount of time for the pain to go away after you stop walking. It's due to inadequate blood flow to the muscles. The pain usually causes you to limp. Claudication occurs because there is no blood flow to a muscle.

What is PAD?
Peripheral artery disease can cause the artery that normally supplies blood to the muscle to get narrow so that less blood can flow through the artery. When you walk, the working muscle needs more blood. The narrowed artery may not let enough through.

Health Screening
The test for checking the blood flow in your legs is called a Doppler study or Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI). The test is painless

A good portion of people who have peripheral artery disease do not have symptom, that is why screening is so important. Check out HealthYes! for more information on

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